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Digital Orthophotos - DOQQ / DOQ


Color Infrared (CIR) Digital Orthophoto (DOQ) of Lake Lynn WV Portion of Digital Orthophoto (DOQ) of Lake Lynn WV with hillside shading Portion of Digital Orthophoto (DOQ) of Lake Lynn WV quad with Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) overlay Portion Digital Orthophoto (DOQ) of Lake Lynn WV with National Wetland Inventory overlay Portion of Digital Orthophoto (DOQ)  of Lake Lynn WV with Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) and Vector Data overlays


Go to Digital Orthophoto (DOQ) Home

Download Samples of Digital Orthophoto (DOQ) Data

Pricing and ordering information for Digital Orthophotos (DOQ)

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Pricing for DOQs

All prices are for Color Infrared or Black/White

Quantity Price
1-500 $10 Each
501-1,999 $7 Each
2,000-4,999 $5 Each
5,000 + $3 Each


DOQs are 1 meter resolution Geotiff file format in UTM/NAD 83/Meter System.

We can reproject into any system for an additional 50% on above prices.

Delivery options include FTP/CD/DVD or external hard drive.

Delivery times vary with quantity ordered.  Most FTP orders available for upload same day.  Orders for CD/DVD or hard drive usually ships within 48-72 hours.


US Bundle $241,995

As of March 31, 2003, there are 247,581 (approximately 18 Terabytes) Digital Orthophotos (DOQ) covering the US.  We are currently offering the entire library for $241,995.  This is less than $.98 per file!


Delivery of US bundle on High Density (7000) Digital Linear Tape (DLT), GeoTIFF file format in UTM/NAD 83/Meter system.  Delivery time is approximately 2-4 weeks.  We can also place this on a file server of your choice.  Please call us to give us details of your system requirements.


8 Meter Resolution US Bundle

We understand that sometimes you just don't need 1 meter resolution.  So GeoMart
is now offering DOQs resampled to 8 meter resolution.  This resampling has reduced the file size from 18 Terabytes for the 1 meter resolution down to a very manageable 300 GB.  The price is also very manageable at $49,995 delivered on DVD, DLT or External Hardrive.  Delivery time is approximately 2-4 weeks.


To Order

Currently DOQs are not available for online ordering.  To place your order, please contact one of our customer service representatives at 800-248-6277 or email us at Digital@GeoMart.com.