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Vector Topographic Data


Wilmington Vector Street Data 3D Contours 2D Contours of Old Faithful 3D View of Toas, NM with DOQQ overlay 2D mapping with DOQQ overlay

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Orange City, Seminole County, Florida

Orange City is just north of Orlando. It is fairly urban, with wetlands, and is quite flat. Roads were double lined, and contours generated at 5 foot intervals using TopoDepotOnCD. Fortunately, 24K USGS DLG roads and hydro were available (not available in many parts of the country yet), so the transportation and hydrography layers are excellent for this quad.


Choose a format:

AutoCAD DWG format  (R14)4.0MB  
AutoCAD DWG format (R11-12)3.0MB
AutoCAD DXF format (R14)3.2MB

Microstation 2D1.0MB
Microstation 3D1.0MB

ArcView SHP 2D3.2MB

MapInfo MIF 2D2.3MB

USGS DEM Surface File0.15MB

XYZ Ascii Surface File2.6MB

Note: In AutoCAD and Microstation, you will need to zoom to extents to see the drawing.