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Canadian Topographic Map Software - FAQ




Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Which versions of your software are supported ?
Q. Are you compatible with XP ?
Q. Are SoftMap Nature products compatible with SoftMap Plus version 4 ?
Q. Can SoftMap operate on Macintosh ?
Q. Can SoftMap operate under Windows CE ?
Q. Can we upload SoftMap maps in a PDA ?
Q. Do you have a GPS interface ?
Q. After having installed SoftMap for the first time, it does not work properly.
Q. My installation freezes when the "System update" window appears on the screen. My O/S is XP, are you compatible with XP ?
Q. How do I uninstall completely my SoftMap product?
Q. How do I uninstall the evaluation version of SoftMap Pro 4.5 to reinstall my SoftMap Plus?.
Q. After having already uninstalled SoftMap Plus, I get the following message when I try to reinstall: "Cannot find file EPSG.dat"
Q. How do I copy map data sets (CD-ROM) on my hard drive?
Q. How can I change the coordinate system displayed at the bottom of the screen?
Q. I have installed more than 12 cartographic CD-ROMs on my hard drive and the software freezes.
Q. When I install SoftMap Plus, the file Regedit.exe cannot be found.
Q. I have problems when I try to install more than one SoftMap products on my computer.
Q. I get the message 'Error starting programme The LTDISION.dll file is linked to missing export LTKRNION.dll-251' and following that ' A device attached to the system is not functioning.
Software Functions and Printing
Q. Do you supply updates of SoftMap Plus ?
Q. Can SoftMap read maps from Fugawi, Ozi Explorer, etc ?
Q. Can I import data from an external database in SoftMap?
Q. The map color distorts as I scan across the screen?
Q. I find white spots in certain areas of the maps, what is wrong?
Q. I have the Guide to Fishing and Hunting in Quebec and I cannot visualize the bathymetric maps.
Q. I cannot add any symbol or graphical element on my maps. Even if I reinstall the application I get the message : " Your personal database cannot be included in the session... ".
Q. How can I print a map larger than 8 1/2'' x 11'' ?
Q. At printing, how can I prevent the rasterization effect: a blue dot appears in the center of the printed sheet when printing at 1 :250 000 scale?
Q. How can I prevent white areas in the map image when printing?
Q. How can I print a color map on a color laser printer ? I try but it always comes out in B&W.
Q. When I print a map with the template, my map comes out white or in gray tones and with a blue frame. What can I do?
Q. I would like to make a back-up copy of my SoftMap data; what files do I need to copy?
Q. Is my GPS receiver compatible with SoftMap?
Q. I have version 4.2 of SoftMap GPS and I have trouble downloading my GPS data; do you have a patch for that problem?
Q. Can SoftMap GPS operate on a computer using a USB protocol?
Q. I have tried every setting but cannot get a connection. Every time it comes up with a red connection status. Could you please help me with this and tell me which settings I should be using. ?
Q. Tried without success to navigate in real time. I have a database created, GPS set to my receiver brand. Get a green light in the connection box but position does not update (all zeros). ?
Q. What are the settings to download data from my GPS to SoftMap and vice-versa?
Q. What is the reference system of the GPS database?
Q. Is it possible to change the reference system of the GPS DB?
Q. Can I import data from an external database in SoftMap GPS?
Q. Help does not work : I get a message "The section doesn't exist. Contact your reseller to update your Help file."
Q. Can I use my own symbols to illustrate my points?
Q. Can I upload SoftMap maps in my GPS receiver?
Q. Where can I find the User's Guide?
Learn more about the features of SoftMap
Online User Guide to SoftMap
Learn More About SoftMap Digital Products
See a list of SoftMap products available








Q. Which versions of your software are supported ?
A. SoftMap has introduced a new generation of SoftMap Plus with the version 4. We do not support anymore version 3 and previous versions.
Q. Are you compatible with XP ?
A. SoftMap consumer products were developed before the introduction of Windows XP on the market. This is why XP is not included on the box in the section System Requirements. Since then, we have tested XP to be compliant and the great majority of our clients who have either installed XP or migrated to XP have done so without any problem. In some cases, the installation on XP as with other O/S has generated a conflict with the printing module with some types of printers. To solve this, SoftMap Technologies (2002) Inc. has developed a patch that will shortly be available on our website.


See also the section on Installation, the message concerning a .dll file.

Q. Are SoftMap Nature products compatible with SoftMap Plus version 4 ?
A. SoftMap Nature contains SoftMap Plus version 3 and are not supported. The maps included in SoftMap Nature are in a format that SoftMap Plus version 4 cannot read. However, the databases included in SoftMap Nature are compatible with the version 4 of SoftMap Plus. The installation program of our version 4 software (Plus or Pro) will detect the presence of SoftMap Nature databases on your computer and will offer to include them in your new version.
Q. Can SoftMap operate on Macintosh ?
A. Our products are not available for Macintosh users because they were developed in a Microsoft Windows environment. However, they can be used with Virtual PC by users of Macintosh technology. Many SoftMap clients use this emulator and are able to work efficiently with their Macintosh. However, we do not offer technical support to Macintosh users because our products have not been officially tested to work in that environment.
Q. Can SoftMap operate under Windows CE ?
A. The Windows CE technology used by PDAs is not supported by SoftMap Plus.
Q. Can we upload SoftMap maps in a PDA ?
A. Not yet.
Q. Do you have a GPS interface ?
A. Yes, SoftMap GPS is an add-in to SoftMap Plus compatible with most GPS receivers; it is sold separately:
Q. After having installed SoftMap for the first time, it does not work properly.
A. The most frequent cause of such problems is failing to uninstall the anti-virus system on your computer before installing the SoftMap. If this is the case, uninstall SoftMap, uninstall anti-virus system, reinstall SoftMap, reinstall your anti-virus system.
Q. My installation freezes when the "System update" window appears on the screen. My O/S is XP, are you compatible with XP ?
Q. How do I uninstall completely my SoftMap product?
A. The procedure has two steps: first, you must uninstall all the files related to the title involved and second, you must uninstall the software SoftMap Plus or SoftMap Pro.:

Note: If you want to make a backup of your session files and personal database before uninstalling, take a copy of theses two folders and paste it in a safe place.


  1. C:\Program files\SoftMap\SoftMap Plus\Session.
  2. C:\Program files\Common files\SoftMap Shared\Data\Wizard\Geocontext\Personaldb.

Complete uninstall procedure
***Uninstall a title***

  1. In the Windows taskbar, first click Start, then Settings, and then Control Panel.
  2. Select the Add/Remove Programs option.
  3. Go to the list of programs and select the SoftMap title (Topo50, etc.) you want to uninstall.
  4. The uninstall program will appear. Click End to uninstall.

***Uninstall SoftMap Plus or SoftMap Pro***

  1. In the Windows taskbar, first click Start, then Settings, and then Control Panel.
  2. Select the Add/Remove Programs option.
  3. Go to the list of programs and select the SoftMap Plus or SoftMap Pro. Click Add/Remove.
  4. The uninstall program will appear. Click End to uninstall.

***Files to delete***

  1. Delete the "SoftMap" folder in your C:\Program files\.
  2. Delete the "SoftMap Shared" in your C:\Program files\Common files\.

Reinstall SoftMap Plus and open the software to see if it works properly.
Be sure you have the last update version (4.01.0095); to download it, go to http://www.softmappublishing.com/updates.html. Install the update

Q. How do I uninstall the evaluation version of SoftMap Pro 4.5 to reinstall my SoftMap Plus?.
A. See the Uninstall procedure in the preceding FAQ.
Q. After having already uninstalled SoftMap Plus, I get the following message when I try to reinstall: "Cannot find file EPSG.dat"
A. Delete manually the following directories before reinstalling:

C:\Program Files\SoftMap inc
C:\Program Files\Common Files\SoftMap Shared.

Q. How do I copy map data sets (CD-ROM) on my hard drive?
A. You may find it useful to copy a collection of maps if you have bought several titles. You can then work on two map data sets at once and thus access a larger number of map scales without continually having to switch CD-ROMs.


The data sets take up between 400 and 550 Mb on the CD-ROM. A CD-ROM may have several thousand files that make up a map data set. When copying the Mapdata directory to your hard drive, make sure you have enough disk space for the transfer. Even though your hard drive shows sufficient available space, you may still not have enough because of the type of partitioning on your hard drive.
  1. Create a directory on your hard drive.
    ex. C:\SoftMap Maps\Ontario topo50\Volume1\Disk 1\
  2. Insert the appropriate CD-ROM into your drive.
    Using your mouse and the Ctrl key on your keyboard, select the directories Mapdata and Navig and the files Install.inf and "index name".dat .
    Note: The last file, "index name".dat, is different for each disk.
  3. Right-click and choose the Copy option.
  4. Go into the directory you created and click Paste.
    Once in SoftMap Plus, click Install data set and look for the Install.inf file in the directory you've just created on the hard drive.
Q. How can I change the coordinate system displayed at the bottom of the screen?
A. In the Tools menu, select Customize Status Bar. In the window, select "Based on the displayed map" and click on the button to be able to select another coordinate system.
Q. I have installed more than 12 cartographic CD-ROMs on my hard drive and the software freezes.
A. There are 2 possibilities:
  1. Your cartographic CD-ROMs are copied on your hard drive
    If you have more than 12 SoftMap cartographic CD-ROMs copied on your hard drive, the navigator will experience difficulties when navigating at the scales 1:2 000 000, 1:3 000 000 et 1:8 000 000. Navigation can become very slow or freeze altogether. This problem comes from the redundancy of cartographic data common to multiple CDs. You must go in the map manager to disable the 8M, 3M and 2M scales on all CDs except one. Following this, you will have access to all your maps and navigation will be optimized. If your map manager is not activated in your session window, please refer to your User's Guide, page 68.

  2. Your cartographic CD-ROMs are not copied on your hard drive
    If you have more than 12 SoftMap cartographic CD-ROMs operating in SoftMap, the navigator will experience difficulties when navigating at the scales 1:2 000 000, 1:3 000 000 et 1:8 000 000. Navigation can become very slow or freeze altogether. This problem comes from the redundancy of cartographic data common to multiple CDs. You must copy the content of one of your cartographic CD-ROMs on the hard drive of your computer You must then go in the map manager (add the map manager in your session window) to disable the 8M, 3M and 2M scales on all CDs except the one copied on your hard drive. Thanks to this procedure, if you travel on a CD whose 8M or 2M scale has been disabled, you will nevertheless have access to those maps that the program will find on the hard drive.
Q. When I install SoftMap Plus, the file Regedit.exe cannot be found.
A. To solve the problem, look for the Regedit.exe file on your hard drive. Once you have found it, copy it to the C:\Windows directory.
Next, check to see whether the program starts up. Click Start and then Run... A dialog box will appear. In Open, type Regedit and validate by clicking OK. If that works, continue with the installation.
Q. I have problems when I try to install more than one SoftMap products on my computer.

Case #1:
You have many volumes of the same title (Ontario volume 1 and 2)
You don't have to install each title but only the cartographic CD-ROMs . Once your first volume is installed, start you program and insert in your drive each of the other CDs one by one and they will install automatically.

To learn which CDs are installed, you can open the map manager that you can activate in the menu "Tools"-"Options". In the Session window, you need only to select "Display Map Manager". At this moment, a new tab will appear in the session window in the center left portion of your screen.

Case #2:
You own many different titles , for example: Québec Chasse et Pêche, Québec Topo50 volume 1 or Ontario Topo50 volume 2.
You must proceed to the installation of each title because many new elements will be added like new sessions, new data bases, new toponyms, etc.

Q. I get the message 'Error starting programme The LTDISION.dll file is linked to missing export LTKRNION.dll-251' and following that ' A device attached to the system is not functioning.
A. You have to go to this address
http://www.softmappublishing.com/downloads/softmap_lt.exe to download and execute the patch "softmap_lt.exe".
After this operation, reinstall your SoftMap Plus title (CD-ROM).
Q. Do you supply updates of SoftMap Plus ?
A. Version 4.01.0095 of SoftMap Plus is available at http://www.softmappublishing.com/updates.html
This download includes three free updates to the SoftMap Topo 50 series. Note that the whole package has to be downloaded together as these cannot be separated.
  1. Permanent Trails. The current product does not allow you to draw trails, or outline areas. Downloading allows the option of retaining and printing these records with the use of the tool Add line.
  2. Print to a Plotter. The current product only allows printing to a "standard" printer. Downloading allows large scale printing output to a plotter.
  3. Printing problems. Some users of earlier editions of SoftMap experienced problems when printing. This download resolves this problem. (Please ensure you carefully check the section on printing).
    Note: This update improves the stability of SoftMap Plus versions 4.00.0052, 58 and 61 only.
Q. Can SoftMap read maps from Fugawi, Ozi Explorer, etc ?
A. SoftMap Plus only reads raster maps in SoftMap proprietary format. SoftMap Pro also reads the GeoTIFF format and imports vector files in Shapefile and Mid/Mif format.
Q. Can I import data from an external database in SoftMap?
A. Not with SoftMap Plus but yes with SoftMap Pro.
Q. The map color distorts as I scan across the screen?
A. Reset your color settings. See Before Installing SoftMap.
Q. I find white spots in certain areas of the maps, what is wrong?
A. In cartography, coordinate systems have different parameters for each of the UTM zones when large-scale maps are displayed. When you try to build or display a map image that covers two UTM zones, the map may be deformed or poorer in quality.

In terms of latitude, the UTM zone boundaries are:

Zone 17
  West = -84   East = -78
Zone 18
  West = -78   East = -72
Zone 19
  West = -72   East = -66
Zone 20
  West = -66   East = -6
Zone 21
  West = -60   East = -54

If you create a printing zone that straddles one of these boundaries, the portion outside the UTM zone in which you defined the printing zone will appear blank on the print preview or the printout. To fix this defect, you have to define a new zone from the map image adjacent to the one you've defined for your first zone.
Once the zone has been printed, you'll notice that the orientation and UTM coordinates of the two maps are different. To find out which UTM zone you're in, follow the following instructions:

  1. Go to the status bar and change the coordinate system to UTM.
  2. In the map window, move the mouse cursor on the map. By default, the central meridian (CM=) of the UTM zone will appear in the status bar, beside the coordinate system.
  3. To display the number of the zone, click inside the displayed area of the central meridian. Then go to the pull down menu and select the No option.
Q. I have the Guide to Fishing and Hunting in Quebec and I cannot visualize the bathymetric maps.
A. First, make sure that you have an opened session Guide to Fishing and Hunting in Quebec.svs

Then, you can visualize the bathymetric maps at a scale of 1:250 000 or better if you have other map data sets.

Here is the procedure to consult the bathymetric maps:

  1. Select the icons representing a lake for which you request information by clicking on it with the button Select one or more element (the point will then be displayed in negative).
  2. Click on the right button of the mouse to display a roll down menu then select the option Information.
Q. I cannot add any symbol or graphical element on my maps. Even if I reinstall the application I get the message : " Your personal database cannot be included in the session... ".
A. For an unknown reason, your personal database seems to be corrupted and the software installation program does not want to replace it. You must replace the database with the original on the CD-ROM. First, insert one of the cartographic CD-ROM in your drive. Go in the directory /Data/English/Wizard and copy the directory personalDB on your hard disk in C:\Program Files\Common Files\SoftMap Shared\Data\Wizard\Geocontext\ and accept to replace the old DB with the new one. Select all the files included in the directory personalDB and change the attribute Read only.
Q. How can I print a map larger than 8 1/2'' x 11'' ?
A. Select the Tool "Create Printing Zone", specify the center of your printing zone on the screen, a window will open titled Printing Parameters with Template; unselect Adjust to printout page size and specify the dimensions of the print you require.
Q. At printing, how can I prevent the rasterization effect: a blue dot appears in the center of the printed sheet when printing at 1 :250 000 scale?
A. The stain appears when the disk in the CD-ROM drive is not the first disk. To fix the problem, insert disk number 1 in your drive.
Q. How can I prevent white areas in the map image when printing?
A. See above.
Q. How can I print a color map on a color laser printer ? I try but it always comes out in B&W.
A. Often, laser printers are default set to high resolution (ex. 1200 dpi). This generates very large files that obstruct the operations of the printer. Try setting the resolution to 300 dpi.
Q. When I print a map with the template, my map comes out white or in gray tones and with a blue frame. What can I do?
A. You need to download SoftMap Plus version 4.01.0095 at http://www.softmappublishing.com/updates.html
Q. I would like to make a back-up copy of my SoftMap data; what files do I need to copy?
A. Here is what you need to copy (make sure to follow the same route when restoring)

The personal database
C:\Program Files\Common Files\SoftMap Shared\Data\Wizard\GeoContext\PersonalDB and all other databases created in other directories for SoftMap-Pro.

Session Files in :
C:\Program Files\SoftMap\SoftMap Plus\Session\*.svs and all other session files created in other directories for SoftMap-Pro

GPS databases (if any)
C:\Program Files\SoftMap\SoftMap Plus\GPS\*.mdb
And the file (if you created bookmarks in your sessions):
C:\Program Files\ Common Files \SoftMap Shared\Data\datashare.sms

For SoftMap-Pro save also :
C:\Program Files\ Common Files \SoftMap Shared\Data\Toponym\XXXXX.mdb and other toponym databases created in other directories.

Q. Is my GPS receiver compatible with SoftMap?
A. Please consult our

Click here to See information about Supported GPS receivers

Q. I have version 4.2 of SoftMap GPS and I have trouble downloading my GPS data; do you have a patch for that problem?
A. There is a new version of SoftMap GPS available for download at http://www.softmappublishing.com/updates.html
This update (4.51.0126) improves the stability of version 4.2.
Q. Can SoftMap GPS operate on a computer using a USB protocol?
A. If your GPS receiver is a Serial type, you can buy a USB/Serial adapter to connect it to your USB port on your computer and it will work. But if you GPS receiver is a USB type, you cannot work with SoftMap GPS.
Q. I have tried every setting but cannot get a connection. Every time it comes up with a red connection status. Could you please help me with this and tell me which settings I should be using. ?
A. Make sure that your Com Port selected for your GPS receiver is active and in good working condition.
Q. Tried without success to navigate in real time. I have a database created, GPS set to my receiver brand. Get a green light in the connection box but position does not update (all zeros). ?
A. To navigate in real time in SoftMap, your GPS receiver must be set to NMEA protocol and select the NMEA real time positioning in the list of GPS receivers in SoftMap.
However, if you want to download data from your GPS receiver to SoftMap and vice-versa, you must deactivate the NMEA protocol in your GPS receiver and select your GPS receiver model in SoftMap(ex. Garmin, etc.).
Q. What are the settings to download data from my GPS to SoftMap and vice-versa?
A. You must deactivate the NMEA protocol in your GPS receiver and set it to the communication protocol of your receiver (ex. Garmin) in SoftMap list. In the connexion, the transfer speed expressed in Bits per second must be the same in the GPS and in SoftMap.
Q. What is the reference system of the GPS database?
A. The reference system used is the WGS84.
Q. Is it possible to change the reference system of the GPS DB?
A. It is not possible to change the geodesic reference system of the GPS database. The WGS84 has been chosen because it is used by all the GPS receivers. If you display your maps in NAD27 or NAD83 in SoftMap, the software will take charge of the conversion of coordinates so that the data displayed is always at the right place on the map.
Q. Can I import data from an external database in SoftMap GPS?
A. The five format of the GPS routes that SoftMap can import are: Ozi Explorer (PLT), Gardown (TXT et GDN), G7ToWin (TXT) and the CSV format.
Q. Help does not work : I get a message "The section doesn't exist. Contact your reseller to update your Help file."
A. Help is not available for SoftMap GPS. Look for future updates on our website. Consult the User's Guide.
Q. Can I use my own symbols to illustrate my points?
A. For the points that are in the GPS database, you can only use the symbols in the bank of symbols that is supplied. However, it is possible to export the points in the GPS database to your SoftMap personal database. This way you could change the symbols to your own symbols.
Q. Can I upload SoftMap maps in my GPS receiver?
A. It is impossible to upload our maps in a GPS because they are too large being raster maps and are SoftMap proprietary format, unreadable by other software. The manufacturers of the GPS receivers normally restrict the upload to their own map format and the GPS receivers have sometimes limited memory.


Q. Where can I find the User's Guide?
A. During the installation of SoftMap GPS, the PDF file of the User's Guide was copied on your hard disk (User's Guide SoftMap GPS.pdf) at the same place as the program, C:\Program Files\SoftMap\SoftMap Plus\ by default. You can also consult the guide on our website at http://www.softmappublishing.com/downloads/Softmap_GPS_UserGuide.pdf.