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Canadian Topographic Map Software - User Guide



Learn More About SoftMap topo50


Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Choice of Language
During installation of SoftMap, you are offered the choice of English or French for Quebec and Ontario products. We strongly recommend installing the French version only if your computer operating system is in French vice-versa.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Before Installing SoftMap

  1. Ensure your computer system meets the system requirements as shown on your SoftMap box.

  2. DISABLE any anti-virus programs before proceeding.

  3. Read all the information in the package before proceeding.

  4. Ensure that your display unit has the proper setting. Go to My Computer, Control panel, Display, Settings, then set to High Color - 16 bit. Failure to do this will cause color distortions when scrolling.

Click here to see the instruction on installing SoftMap on Windows XP

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Installing an Additional Softmap Volume

When you wish to install an additional volume, proceed exactly as you did with the installation of the original volume. The second installation will be much lighter because the install procedure detects that the software is already installed and will only install the index for the map data.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Opening your SoftMap
Click on the SoftMap icon on your desktop and insert one of the data CD's. When the "Open Session file" window appears, select the program you wish to open
e.g. C\Program Files\SoftMap\SoftMap Plus 4\Session Ontario topo50\Vol 1.


Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Information and Training on Softmap
Lots of help is close to hand and there are THREE sources of information contained within the software after it is installed.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Tutorials
1. Left click on the blue and yellow SoftMap logo in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Tutorials

If you do not see this logo, click on the Display/Close Multimedia Window icon or on the Multimedia button on the toolbar menu.

2. Select "The way to use SoftMap" for basic information regarding printing maps, adding "points" ( Note that the word "points" is the terminology used for a symbol added to the map) and other basic information.

Thumbnail sketch of a Screen capture of a user guide
Click on the image to enlarge screen capture

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Help
Opening the Help icon on the toolbar gives access to more detailed information and answers specific questions.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Users Guide
There is a detailed User's Guide available within the software. To access this 155 page manual, click Start, then Programs, then SOFTMAP PLUS, then User's guide (you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it).

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Users Guide Screen Shot
Click on the image to enlarge screen capture


Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Navigation in the Map Window
There are three basic ways to move maps around on the screen.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Move Map Tool

Select Move Map icon Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Move Map Icon from toolbar. Hold down the left button and move this icon away from the direction you wish to see. This will bring desired area onto the screen.


Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Geographical Directions tool

Select from Navigate Using Geographical Directions icon Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Geographical Directions icon from the toolbar. Click on any of the Cardinal points on this icon to move your map in that direction.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Geographical Directions Icon


With either of the above selections, when the cursor is moved to the edges
or corners of the map, directional arrows appear (see image below) and a
click on an arrow will cause map to move in that direction.
Selection of the Move Map Arrows will provide the same facility
with the navigation arrows.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Navigational Arrows



Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Latitude and Longitude
Note that the exact Lat. and Long. in degrees, minutes and seconds of the screen location of the navigation tool is shown on the bottom right hand part of the screen.
(This can be changed to UTM if desired ).


Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Changing the Map Scale
When viewing a map, right click your mouse button Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Right Mouse Button and select scale down or scale up. For fast travel across the area, select scale table at the bottom of the screen.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Screen Shot

When you reach the target area, click on either 1:250,000 or 1:50,000.
Note that there are two or three data CD's in each package and you may need to change the CD as instructed on screen.

The overview window at the top left side of the screen keeps track of your position.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Overview Window

Note that 1:50,000 is the most detailed scale produced on Canadian government topo maps. By selecting the magnifier icon the image size can be increased but, because of scanning limitations, definition suffers.


Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - The Maps are Seamlessly Joined
By now you will have discovered the unique feature of this product and found that the maps are seamlessly joined enabling the user to scan continuously across the area. You can now centre any section for printing and, viola!, your lake, cottage, hunt camp etc. is right in the middle.


Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Length Calculations

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Length Calculations Toolbar

Click the button Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Length Calculation icon. While holding the left mouse button down, move the cursor over the base map. A path will be drawn on the map. The distance covered and the estimated time to cover the distance will be continually updated in a dialog box.


Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Customizing a map

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Adding Symbols
In the Session window, (center left screen) can be found the initial list of symbols.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Session Window

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Symbols

Set boxes next to word Symbol to negative sign and tick sign (see image on the right), and this will reveal approximately 50 symbols. To bring up the second batch of symbols, highlight the word Symbols, right click, and then select Add Symbols to bring up a further 150 symbols.



To add a symbol, first select black arrow Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Black arrow on toolbar, then select Add Point Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Point.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Customize Toolbar

A symbol window will appear in the middle of the screen. Select a symbol, move the cursor to the location required and left click.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Select Symbols

Note that in SoftMap terminology, when a symbol is added to a map it is referred to as a point.


Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Adding Text
First select black arrow Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Black Arrow on toolbar, then select Add Text icon Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Add Text Icon.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Customize Toolbar

A small text properties window will appear in the middle of your screen.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Select Font

Choose the font and character size, then click on the map at the place you wish to place the text. Note that the text box can be expanded by corner arrows. Try to select an area free from heavy detail or your text will not be prominent.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Adding Trails
Select the appropriate icon Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Trail Icon. Then move cursor to the start location of the trail you wish to add; left click on mouse and drag cursor to trail end location. A red and white trail will be shown along with a window showing actual distance covered.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Trail Toolbar

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Relocating Symbols or Text
Select arrow icon Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Select Arrow Icon from toolbar and position it over symbol or text.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Relocating text toolbar

Right click and symbol or text will turn negative. Feature can then be dragged to a new position.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Deleting Symbols
Select arrow icon from toolbar, position this over symbol to be deleted and right click. Symbol will turn negative and when window appears. From the drop down menu select delete.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Deleting Text
Select arrow icon from toolbar and place over the text. Click and the text will appear in a white rectangle. To delete, right click and select delete.


Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Printing Maps
Note that you may print in monochrome or color. Be sure to select desired map scale by right clicking on the map window.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Printing Maps Toolbar

There are two basic methods to print maps.

  1. To print the map shown on the screen.
    Go to File, select Print, then Map, OR, use Printer icon Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Printer Icon on toolbar. Note that although the screen may only be showing an area of 3km by 4km, the printed map, cantered on the same point will print a map 9km wide by 12km high.

  2. To make a template map.
    (This is essentially the same as above except the map is given a title e.g. "Fred and Mary's Cottage", and then is saved in the database for future use).

    Using Center Map icon Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Center Map Icon centre the map on the area of your choice. Next, click on Create Printing Zone icon Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Printing Zone Icon on toolbar, a dialog window will appear. In the "Zone name" box (circled in red on the image below) type in a chosen map title.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Printing Parameters Template

A template for this print zone is saved on your computer. To retrieve it for printing, select the printing zone tab (this is located at the bottom end of the session window in the centre left screen to the right of "Databases").

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Session Window

Click on the zone required to print. Go to File, select Print, then Printing Zone and proceed to print. Once a template has been created, the Printer icon on the toolbar may be used for future printouts.

Note that, when in the print window, you may select that the map be printed in portrait or landscape configuration.

Map Grids
When printing maps in format shown above, the UTM grids will be shown but no Lat/Long or UTM coordinates will appear on your printed map.

To add these, look at bottom of centre window on left of screen, select Map Grids (to right of Databases) click on empty box to produce a tick and the UTM grids on the screen will appear in heavy black. Printing in this format will give UTM coordinates and Lat/Long at edges of printed map. After printing, click on tick to revert to empty box and go back to Databases.



Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Sending a Map To Microsoft Word
Maps may be sent to Microsoft Word for various uses, including sending as an attachment to an e-mail.
There are two basic methods.

  1. To transfer the whole screen including the toolbar, borders etc, click the "Print Screen" button on your computer keyboard, go to "Word" and click on "Paste" icon.
  2. To transfer the map element of the screen only, click on the "Copy Map" icon on toolbar, go to word and click on "Paste"


Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Geographical Names of Canada
All of the Geographical names of Canada, by province and by description are contained in each SoftMap installation.

1. Select "Search" icon Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Search Icon.

2. From the window, select province then location description (e.g. Bay Village, Ontario, etc.). If name searching in the region that you have loaded in your computer, e.g. Ontario Vol 1, select GO TO in the window, and the location will appear on the screen behind the window. If a change of data CD is required, you will be advised.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Session Window
Click on the image to enlarge screen capture

You may also search by coordinates which is very useful where there are a lot of same name locations (e.g. Trout Lake, Ontario).


Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Topographic Map Symbols
There are a large number of symbols used on topographic maps and all of these symbols with descriptions are included in your SoftMap package.
To access these, go to Windows Explorer, My Computer, CD ROM Drive (i.e. E), Map Data, then Legend.pdf. The legend is in the form of a PDF (Portable Document Format) file - you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it.

Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Topographic Map Symbols screen shot
Click on the image to enlarge screen capture


Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Changing Latitude and Longitude to UTM
To change your SoftMap screen mode from Latitude and Longitude to a UTM configuration, select Tools, Customize, Status Bar, Status Bar Properties, then proceed to select desired zone.


Canadian Digital Topographic Map Software - Technical Support

First line Technical Support is available free of charge for 90 days from date of purchase from info@softmappublishing.com, tel (613)225- 5795, fax (613) 225-3329.

As you will be aware, free technical support is not an industry norm these days and we would ask our customers to carefully check through all the relative procedures and information contained on this site, before calling. In particular we would draw your attention to the section regarding ensuring that you disabled your anti-virus system before installation.

Before contacting Technical Support, please ensure that you have a detailed and accurate description of the fault condition.
