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Maptech Software - Handheld GPS Software

Maptech Terrain Navigator and Terrain Navigator Pro Digital USGS topographic Maps

Maptech Marine Navigator, Digital Chart Kits, Offshore Navigator and 3D Contour Digital NOAA Nautical Charts

Maptech VFR/IFR AeroPack Digital Aeronautical Charts, AeroSims, and Terminal Sims

Maptech Hand HeldGPS Solutions for Topographic, Nautical and Aeronautical Charts.



Handheld GPS Software

Maptech handheld technology-the marriage of GPS and PDAs-the best of both.

Until now, standard GPS receivers have displayed primitive maps that lack meaningful contour details.  Maptech lets you combine GPS with handheld PDAs powerful enough to display the detail you deserve in full color.

Both Pocket Navigator and Outdoor Navigator are perfect for work or play; but they work in different ways:

Pocket Navigator works with Terrain Navigator and Terrain Navigator Pro CD-ROMs-think of it as a companion  to your PC.