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Nautical Charts and More




Chart Tube | Compasses/Compass Kits | Dividers | Navigation Kits | Parallel Rulers | Protractor/Plotters |

Ships Curves | T-S-D Calculators | Vinyl Waterproof Chart Cases


The safest mariner is one who knows where he's coming from, where he is presently situated, and where he is going to. The importance of an experienced navigator cannot be overstated. And, as we all know, the proper tools for the job are invaluable.

Despite recent advances in electronic navigation devices, any skipper worth his/her salt will require their course to be laid out manually on a map or chart. Our navigational tools do not run the risk of power failure or failure of the unit itself. Such failure is most likely to occur under adverse conditions - precisely when the knowledge of one's position and an ability to steer the proper course is most needed. It is important to remember that an impressive electronic navigation system is a complement to, not a replacement for, a complete manual navigation setup.

offers the best in navigational tools. Our full product line of navigational aids is manufactured from materials of uncompromising quality. Numerals, calibrations and symbols are laminated and will never lose their legibility. Our instruments with metal parts (such as dividers and parallel rules) are weatherproof and corrosion-resistant. Protective cases (for storage and/or display) and instructions are included with many of our products.